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Nicole's Story




In the 70s, in St. Paul, Minnesota, I was born as a biracial child, at a time when it wasn't so accepted. I didn't come to know this painful reality until I started spending time around my peers in elementary school. No matter how hard I tried, I just didn’t fit in. I was a little bit too light on one hand, but I wasn't quite dark enough on the other hand. Being teased about my complexion and hair really hurt to the core. 

High school wasn’t any better – it was then the comparisons started. The need to hang with the cool kids, to be popular, became my focus. I always made sure that my hair was as straight as possible and kept a pair of Jordache jeans close by. I began looking for a different type of affirmation — the kind that came from older boys. Looking back, it’s easy to see that what I really wanted was to feel lovable, important, and valuable – I wanted to be accepted for who I was. But I had to adapt and compromise who I was in order to achieve that acceptance.


It has been a lifelong journey of tears, disappointments, and breakthroughs for me to discover that my true identity is not defined by the world’s view but in who God has created me to be. It is because of who He is that I am approved. My beauty, unsurpassable worth, and self-love comes from Christ alone. No one else’s opinion matters. No outside source has the right to affirm it. 


It has taken a lifelong journey of tears, disappointments, and breakthroughs for me to discover that my true identity is not defined by the world’s view but in who God has created me to be. It is because of who He is that I am approved. My beauty, unsurpassable worth, and self-love comes from my Creator alone. No one else’s opinion matters. No outside source has the right to affirm it. 


I was born a biracial child in St. Paul, Minnesota the 70s, a time when it was less accepted than it is today. I didn't come to know this painful reality until I started spending time around my peers in elementary school. No matter how hard I tried, I just didn’t fit in. I was a little bit too light on one hand, but I wasn't quite dark enough on the other hand. Being teased about my complexion and hair really hurt to the core. 

High school wasn’t any better – it was then the comparisons started. The need to hang with the cool kids, to be popular, became my focus. I always made sure that my hair was as straight as possible and kept a pair of Jordache jeans close by. I began looking for a different type of affirmation — the kind that came from older boys. Looking back, it’s easy to see that what I really wanted was to feel lovable, important, and valuable – I wanted to be accepted for who I was. But I had to adapt and compromise who I was in order to achieve that acceptance.


Only when I came to see and appreciate the Inner Beauty of God's Creation in myself did I find true happiness, acceptance, self-esteem, confidence and peace.  Now I help other women along their paths!




I know I'm not alone. There are women all over, of all ages and demographics, who struggle with self-image. Sucked into the trap of comparison and performance, we find ourselves constantly trying to figure out a way to do enough, be smart enough, be sexy enough, be pretty enough.

I now walk in love and CONFIDENCE, rather than with a spirit of insecurity and defensiveness. I’ve learned to make choices that are in alignment with the positive outcomes that I desire for my life, instead of self-destructive ones. Rather than allowing my past to define my future, I have experienced HEALING from life’s disappointments and betrayals. And where I used to avoid conflict and rejection, I now am free to speak my AUTHENTIC TRUTH in love!


On top of that, I get to wake up every morning and look in the mirror and love Nicole. I can honestly look in the mirror and love who I am. I couldn’t do that before. I’m grateful for the calm reassurance that has come from receiving God’s love — which can now overflow for others to experience and see.




Has it been magical? NO. It didn’t happen overnight. And no, it is not happening without intentional effort. YES, God had already laid the foundation of my true identity. He gave it to me as a part of my birthright. But I had to learn about who He says that I am, bring myself into alignment with it, and be open to doing the work.


The struggle is real. Recurring feelings of inadequacy come and go. Every day, I have to choose to stay plugged in to my God-given identity. I have to know that as His masterpiece I was created and equipped with a unique PURPOSE in mind. Partnering with the Master Designer in discovering who I am continues to result in priceless freedom.


I know this FREEDOM is not intended just for me and that God has a purpose for every life — which is why I’m on a passionate pursuit to share these transformational insights and practical strategies with you.


Would freedom help you live your best life today?

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